Thursday, 1 September 2016

Self- Control : 7 of 21 Virtues every Professional must Possess

The ultimate conflict in the professional setting is from within. I termed it as the ‘universal relativist conflict(Read my book- “The Cardinal Virtues” for more insight). A Professional without self- control is twice defeated in the war of professionalism, no matter his/her stature. Self-control helps the professional to sacrifice him/herself instead of the corporate image or profile. Consider this;

Case study

The inappropriate sexual encounter with two patients made Dr. ABC to be stripped of the medical license he had since 19XX. During one of the Doctor’s appointments with patient 1, she asked if he (the doctor) would help locate her G-spot. Dr. ABC then stimulated her to orgasm in the call room of hospital KKB. The pair had sex a week after the encounter at the same hospital.

Dr. ABC also calls his encounter with patient 2 “a very brief relationship” and says that he did not have sex with her but testified that one night, in an administrative room at same hospital KKB, the girl asked him to show her where her G-spot was. He admitted that he did “stimulate her to orgasm” that night at the hospital. 

This is not the first time Dr. ABC has been asked to answer for his inappropriate behavior with patients.

 Let's Talk

“How would you justify or unjustify the decision of revoking Dr. ABC’s medical license by the medical professional body?” Explain your answer…………...;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

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